Author : Dr. P. D. GUPTA
Former Director Grade Scientist, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India
Can Cancer be Prevented? This is the title of my lecture which was delivered at Medical Collage, Kangda, last month. From the literature now I realized that Modern medicine people also trying to follow the rule “ Prevention is Better Than Cure” and also started research to understand how cancer can be prevented.
Some breast cancer types are more likely than others to recur. Researchers have known this for more than a decade. But they have long wondered why.
“How did those tumor types arise?” Christina Curtis, PhD, a professor of medicine, genetics and biomedical data science at Stanford University, Stanford, California asked himself . Curtis and her colleagues are finally starting to answer these questions. They recently studied the differences in cancer-related genes to disease. The team found that some genes are responsible for tumor formation.
The study is part of a growing effort to understand “precancer” — the critical period after cells have started to grow abnormally but before they’ve developed into cancer — a research trend that could trigger a decisive shift in how cancer treatments are realized and can be designed on the basis of the biology of these precancerous cells.
While biotech start-ups push new tests to catch cancer early, researchers like Curtis hope to stop cancer before it even starts. “This is a really exciting area of research,” said Susan Domchek, MD, executive director of the Basser Center for BRCA at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, “What we hope for is that, over time, we’re going to have more and more biologically driven interception.” They hope to figure out how to use the immune system to stop the cancer.
The Precancer Push
Many labs are trying to understand the biology of precancer and exploring possible vaccines. Scientists at The National Cancer Institute are trying to understand precancer by building three-dimensional models and researchers at the Cancer Vaccine Institute at the University of Washington are developing a vaccine for a precancerous lesion linked to many ovarian cancers. The hope is for this experimental vaccine to lower their risk of developing cancer.
At the Fred Hutch Cancer Center, Seattle, Ming Yu, is studying how senescent cells affect immune cells in precancer. As cells age and stop dividing, she said, they can accumulate and create a “tumor-promoting microenvironment” in older people.
Yu has found that the antiaging drug rapamycin can eliminate those “zombie cells” in mice. In the years and decades to come, all of this could lead to a new era in cancer treatment.
So far, most drug development starts with people with advanced cancer and then goes into the earlier and earlier spaces,. “But it may be that we’re thinking about it all wrong and that you really have to understand the unique biology of early lesions to go after them. Now they have realized their mistake.
Cancer Cells are Smart
cancer cells make energy from nutrients differently than normal cells Cancer cells use more glucose than normal cells. Cancer cells abandon the efficient pathways used by normal cells and use alternative strategies to generate materials for proliferation.
Cancer Survives Against All Odds
The Cancer cells overrule all control mechanisms set for normal cells, They can evade the immune system by mimicking peripheral immune tolerance. As a result of ‘cancer immune-editing phase’ or the “Escape phase” tumours can evade immune system by producing several immune-suppressive substances.
Preventive Methods for Cancer
Adopt Very Early Detection. Early detection is about preventing tumors before they have a chance to develop. There are also blood tests (Liquid biopsy) which can detect elevated cancer activity at the cellular level.Heal Emotional Wounds. The new field of “psycho-neuro-immunology” proves that strands of DNA contract and relax in response to mood! (Try to remain happy and worry less) Repair the Body with Therapeutic Plants not with Synthetic Chemicals. Modern science is catching up to ancient traditions to prove that specific plant compounds can not only detoxify the body, but can even target cancer stem cells without harming healthy cells. Reduce Toxic Exposure. ” people – even before they are born – are bombarded continually with myriad combinations of toxic substances dangerous exposures.” Toxic burden is inevitable in the present world, but we can take steps to avoid many sources of toxins and develop detoxification protocols that work for us..
Food and cancer
Let Food Be Medicine. Hippocrates said: “Food is Medicine.” Food fuels our cells; if we consume toxic, “dead” food most of the time, then our body eat foods filled with life-giving nutrients, we will live vibrant lives!
Japanese Scientist, Takaharu Sasaki said that Food antigens suppress small intestinal tumorigenesis and published his research as late as September 2024. Earlier we published many research papers and said “You are What Your Mother Ate” The things that parents do and eat can change what traits they pass on to their unborn babies. General rule of pregnancy: whatever mother eats, drinks, or breathes, so does the unborn child. Placenta does not filter out harmful substances (like carbon monoxide and nicotine inhaled as smoke) toxins inhaled get passed directly into the bloodstream of the unborn baby. And now(2024) it is also shown that even father’s diet can also influence the child’s health. Human fathers with high body-mass index have male offspring with metabolic disorders.
General Considerations
· Vaccines: human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine may prevent cervical, vaginal, vulvar, and anal cancer. Getting a hepatitis B vaccine may lower odds of liver cancer
· Don’t Smoke: Smoking is linked to lung head and neck, esophagus, bladder, kidney, liver, pancreas, cervix, colon, cancers and some kinds of leukemia
· Keep to a Healthy Weight: Obesity causes breast and endometrial cancer also linked to cancers of the colon and rectum, esophagus, kidney, and pancreas
· Don’t Drink a Lot of Alcohol: Mouth, voice box, throat, liver, breast, and colon cancer are prevented
· Care for Dentistry. Avoid mercury fillings and keep gums healthy. (The author has his own study and views)
Very informative and detailed article about Pre-Cancer. This article has scientific information along with traditional behavior of ancient Indian culture and practices.